Monday, January 30, 2012

A *LOVE* BLOG-HOP for Challenge #112

A *LOVE* BLOG-HOP for Challenge #112

Welcome back House-Mouse Friends!!  We are so glad you are here because it's time for a new challenge and our very First BLOG-HOP of 2012!!  This is very exciting because it's also the very first challenge in which all of our *New* Design Team Members are joining in the fun! :) These fabulously talented new Members joined our Mousie Family just this month  If you haven't already, wont ya' please help us give these Designers a great big welcome as you hop along the BLOG-HOP;

*WINNERS for Challenge #111*
Thank you to all who joined us for the 'BLACK and WHITE ONLY' challenge #111. You all did a great job with and WOWED us with your striking designs, making it very difficult for us to have to choose just 2 winners! Without further delays, here they are  ....
Winner of a $10 voucher to Di's Digi Shop at Di's Digi Downloads is...
ENTRY #18 - Clare Earl
- AND -
CONGRATULATIONS to you both!!   Please contact America to claim your prize!!! :)

Our wonderful Teamie, Christine, is hosting this Blog-Hop Challenge and wants to see you create *LOVE* THEMED projects with MORE than one HEART.  Great challenge in time for Valentine's Day.

We are proudly being sponsored by.... 
The Official, House-Mouse Designs site
  One WINNER will get a $25.00 Electronic Gift Certificate to the official HMD store.

Joanna Sheen
Joanna Sheen will award this UM Gruffies Rubber Stamp Set to One Winner!!!

Pink Gem Designs 
 Winner will receive 3 Digi Images of winner's choice

Die Cut Dreams
 Winner will receive a fab selection of shaped cards & stands
priscillastyles- will award a winner a $10 Gift Certificate (good for Digi's only)

 Thank you Sponsors for your great generosity!

Your beloved Mousey Design team Family also have this *Love* themed PRIZE that includes Five New Stamps and 50+ Love themed Charms! So FUN!!!

How about some Yummy HIDDEN BLOG CANDY at the DT Member's Blogs?
Yeap, your Mousey Designers are at it again and have generously put together great candy for you to find along this BLOG-HOP!  Arent we sneakly?  heheh....
Take a look at some of the delicious CANDY you will find...

Hidden Prize 1

Hidden Prize 2

Hidden Prize 3
 Hidden Prize 4 - First Gift Voucher to SSS

Hidden Prize 5 - Second Gift Voucher to SSS

  Hidden Prize 6
Hidden Prize7

Hidden Prize 8
 Hidden Prize9

Hidden Prize 10

Plus a few more DT surprises along the way...... THAT'S A LOT of super FUN PRIZES!!!! 
This means LOTS of chances for you to WIN if you'll get Hopping, Commenting & Creating! :)

To help inspire you, here are our Designer's gorgeous samples

Now it's YOUR turn!! We hope you'll join this exciting BLOG-HOP!!

Here is all you need to do to play along...
Just Hop over to all the DT's blogs to leave 'em some love. Then, create a project for this challenge that follows the *LOVE Theme, and includes more than one Heart*.  Remember you must use a House-Mouse, Gruffies or, Happy Hoppers image. Enter your project into this challenge by linking it with Linkitz below. When posting to your blog and galleries, please link your project back to this blog. You may enter as many times as you'd like, as long as your projects are all NEW creations. You MUST  become a *Follower* of our BLOG and enter a project to be eligible for prizes.   That's It!!

Now start hopping by heading over to "America's" Blog....
(In case you get lost along the way, below is a complete Link List of participating Designers). If for some reason, you can not leave a comment on a Member's HOP post, please mention that in your final comment on this post. 
We hope to have inspired you and cant wait to see your lovely creations!  After you have completed the HOP, you should end up back here. Please leave us a comment here as well. 

Hurry! You have until 8:00PM, EST on Sunday, February 12th, 2012,  to enter your LOVE themed projects!  HAPPY HOPPING....
Your House-Mouse & Friends MC Design Team


Mary Anne / MA54K said...

I am so honored to be a winner from challenge 111. I sent America email. Look for ward to the hop and the love theme!

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Wow, firstly the dt cards all look amazingly beautiful, really happy to see Kate and Paula on the dt now and secondly a big thanks for organizing this wonderful blog hop I am now off to do my commenting and then start making cards, I can't think of better way to start the week than with house mouse!
Lindsay xx

Heidi said...

Amazing dt work, have had a look and commented on nearly all of the dt's. Unable to comment on Lori's and Nataschas as posts are not there yet, I suspect a time difference maybe? but will check back later as I have made a note. Thanks so much for the fun hop. Thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the gorgeous creations. Hugs Heidi x

Stamping Susi said...

I love the new "picture showing" from Mr. Linkie. That is a great new feature, I really like it.

This is a great, cute, interesting hop and it is amazing to see the wonderful creations from the DT Ladies. The prices are stunning! Thanks for that chance! I have to run to my work desk :-)

Anonymous said...

What a truly inspiring blog hop my friends!! Love the theme and lovely images used today!! I shall be back later with a creation and my first posting in a while!! Hope to be seeing you all around soon!! HUGS

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Hiya,have just hopped around all of the blogs but was a little bit confused by a couple of things, a couple of the DT members link to Lori Barnett's blog which is not on your list here and I couldn't find a blog hop post and also I couldn't find a blog hop post on Natascha Bannings blog so will check back later to see if they have posted. Thanks for all the gorgeous inspiration, really beautiful cards am now off to make my entry
Lindsay xx

Clare said...

Oh wow I have just logged on to see that I am one of the winner's for challenge 111!!!. I have never ever won a challenge before and I am so excited. Thank you so very much!!!, I am just going to email America but firstly want to say how gorgeous the DT's cards are for challenge 112 and how amazing the blog hop is going to be. The prizes are fantastic. Again thank you so much. Hugs Clare xxx

Clare said...

Just incase you are not aware but Lori is Lorraine Aquilina. Yep me too could not see Natascha's link but guessing the time zone may mean she is late putting it up. Must make mental note to go back to her blog!!!. Hugs Clare xxx

XxJULESxX said...

Well done all of the team the cards are amazing! i need to come back to two DT members as they aren't up there yet.I got loads of inspiration from you all.

XxJULESxX said...

PS, i will be back with my card soon as it's done!

ribenaruby said...

Thanks for a beautifully inspiring hop! The creations by the dt are superb. Will be back with my challenge card. Ruby x

Betsy said...

Just love these adorable little critters!!! I could sure put those stamps and charms to good use! Wishing on a star!

Unknown said...

Hi there, I'm back from hopping, thanks for all the inspiration ladies!! I really enjoyed myself. Hugs, Frea

Donna Hanley said...

This hop was so much fun and such great inspiration. You have a fabulous HMDT on hand. I will be back with an entry very soon. thanks for hosting this blog hop. I truly enjoyed it.

shells-crafts said...

wooooo, hop complete. what beautiful dt cards. im itchng to get started on my creation for the challenge now!

angelwhispers said...

My word I have just had the most fabulous time on your Blog Hop your DT team have really done you proud everyone of there creations are just amazing and so yummy! Just off to make my entry now! Thanks Chanelle xxx

catherine said...

Wow what a fantastic start to House mouse challenges year. You have pulled out all the stops for this blog hop-spoiling us all. I have really enjoyed going on the hop and found some wonderful blogs. Very talented people. Unable to comment on Natascha's blog but will keeping checking back for hers. Wonderful cards Ladies for us to see.
x catherine

Lastochka said...

Such a beautiful hop! It was so interesting to visit so many interesting blogs and see all these beautiful cards! I hope that I will have a possibility to visit blog of Natascha.
Thank you for this inspiration!

Jammie said...

I['m all done hopping, i had trouble finding the correct post on Natasha's blog, but wow she has some amazing stuff on there. I'm going to make my card for today and post it this evening! I'm full of inspiration from the hop. and Maybe soon I'll have a prize too! Yeay! Thanks everyone for such a wonderful hop!I'm so inspired!

Shari said...

Oh my goodness! the DT projects were just AMAZING! Really enjoyed this hop! Fingers crossed for candy. Gonna post my creation to Mr. Linky soon =)

Paddington fan said...

Wow ladies, thank you so much, that was a really great blog hop!! So many cute mice and bunny images and fantastic inspiration from all the team!! Great way to spend a Monday evening!! Must get my thinking cap on now and come up with a card for the challenge!! House Mouse hugs to you all, love Jacky x

Sandra H said...

Many congratulations to the winners and what a fantastic blog hop l didn't think l would finish l did get lost a little along the way but that was due to the server not finding the blog and also l see that Natascha Banning hasn't got her details ready and l also see that there is a note under her name to say )COMING SOON) so hopfully we will be informed as and when so we can fully complete this blog hop thank you for all the lovely hidden candy it is nice to be given a chance to win any one of these and of course the major candy thank you for a fabulous blog hop and hopfully my card will complete this blog hop and challenge 112 Many thanks :) Sandra H

Jammie said...

ok, card is posted and i'm now a follower! Yeay for Bolg Hop Day!

jimlynn said...

What a FABULOUS blog hop! Loved seeing everyone's beautiful and fun creations. Now I need to get busy and make my card to enter! Thanks so much for all the inspiration.

Joyce said...

Thanks for the great blog hop! All of the creations are stunning. Mine will follow shortly. I also wanted to let you know that I couldn't comment on Hatascha Banning's site!

Kelly said...

Thank you for such a great blog hop, the design team have done a fab job! Off to make my entry now x

riliska said...

Very nice theme! it is great to take part in this Blog Hop!
The cards by DT are so cute!

Whimcees said...


I just finished the blog hop and it was so much fun! I loved all of the projects - now I am so in the mood for Valentines Day after seeing all of the wonderful hearts and lovely colors! I left comments on all of the blogs and will be back to link my creation when it is completed!

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to win such exceptional prizes! Wishing you a happy day!


Barbara Diane

Suzi Mac said...

What a fabulous Love Blog Hop this has been, every creation is adorable from the DT. Amazing work, thank you.
Suzi x

Carolina Girl (Cely) said...

Oh My goodness....wonderful creations and fantastic prizes. Yup, I will join in on the challenge.

Carolina Girl (Cely) said...

Totally amazed with the hop. I drooled, wished and wanted all the stamps and all the cards. It was a House Mouse that started me on my journey of loving card making. Now to get crackin on my card for the challenge.

Lastochka said...

I creates my card and visit all beautiful blogs!

Jocelyn said...

Great hop with fabulous DT cards. Thank you ladies.

Sandra H said...

Hi, Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to win such exceptional prizes with this blog hop, Nataschas blog was the only one that l couldn't complete yesterday but then l noticed today that her card was there so l was able to place my comments and finish this amazing and fabulous blog hop, l have now entered my card too having had a bit of trouble with Mr Linky (3rd attempt and then it went) thank you:) Sandra H

Jammie said...

Ok, just submitted entry number 2!!! Thank you to all for such sweet comments! I really feel the mousy love here! Thanks girls, really, it means a lot! See ya tomorrow!

Gail said...

Wowsers! Think I did the hop with my mouth open, and I'm sure I drooled!
What a great bunch of teamies you have!
I just LOVE these critters!

Hlora said...

Super cute cards!

Larisa said...

Great projects!!

chupacabrita77 said...

Just got back from hoppin' and wowee! What a talented bunch our DT is and talk about eye candy!!! Thanks for all your hard work and sharing your talent with us! The hop was a real treat!
-Heather M

The Craft Bucket said...

Absolutely stunning DT work, love it. Jane x

Jo Nevill said...

Well, that was a fantastic hop, full of amazing inspiration !


Jo x

Grenouille Greetings said...

A wonderful hop with wonderful creations! Sadly I didn't have a specifically love-themed HM to use but hopefully the little duo of meeces sharing their cake together with the sentiment of "Be kind to you" will work for your challenge. I did include 2 hearts! Hugs, Lesley said...

SO much fun - thanks for all the blog hop inspiration! But now I am going to be late for work so I better get going!!!

Deanne :)

Barbara Godden said...

All done now, all that is left is to finish my card. Super inspiration. Thanks for the chance at some blog candy.

Rosalee said...

Just finished the hop and I have to say that it was wonderful. The DT did a fabulous job with all their creations. Good work everyone.
Hugs, Rosalee

Card Crazy said...

Just finished the 'hop.' So sad it's over, so many lovely cards. You're all true artists.
Sue S.

KraftyKoolKat said...

All the DT's cards were fantastic and a great inspiration. This is my first card for your super Challenge and I am sure there will be many more. Just been out and bought lots of House Mouse stamps. Yippee!!!


Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Hi again, I have been back and found everyones blog posts now and just wanted to say how fantastic all the cards were, really brilliant blog hop
Lindsay xx

Maulwürfchen said...

Back again here, I hopped all around to see the wonderful creations. Now I let them inspire me and I'll come back later or tomorrow to visit Mr. Linky with a view to my card.
thanks for all the great prices to win.

XxJULESxX said...

Im Back!! iv'e uploaded my entry now, thank you for a great chall and blog hop im off to find the two dt members cards now that i missed last time round.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous designs from the DT enjoyed the hop seeing all the diff little mice.
Chris x

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Just added my card and I am off to do the hop! Looks like it will be wonderful, as always!

April said...

Wonderful blog hop! I loved all the projects from the DT. I could not see Sue Kment's blog. It said it had been removed. I will be linking my card soon! Great inspiration DT!

Kat said...

Really enjoyed the blog hop. I loved seeing the beautiful cards the DT have made. Fantastic inspiration. Couldn't resist joining in with a card too.

Kat xx

scrapperjulia said...

Thanks for the fun blog hop and the chance to win some great prizes! The DT work was fabulous!

Anonymous said...

These designs are very pretty and cute.

plastic business cards
plastic cards

Crea Astrid said...

Just finished blog hopping. What a beautiful and lovely creations the DT has made​​. Need inspiration again. Of the week I try also to make a card.

Hugs Astrid.

Whisper said...

Wow the amazing DT cards and you all inspire me, thank you, Luv Sam x

petra,s cards said...

my goodness what a stunning inspiration realey gorgeous so many different styles colours and house mouse, i love them all!!!!! thanks for given away so many lovely candy!!!
keep my fingers crossed!
xx petra

pinky said...

I thoroughly enjoyed the hop ladies. You are all brimming with inspiration and it was a total pleasure and time well spent. Hugs

Tini A. said...

Wow...what a great blog hop and sooo many beautiful cards! Great works, Ladies!

Sandra H said...

Hi, Enjoyed entering my 1st house mouse challenge card so thought l would give it another go and so l have entered my 2nd great blog hop and great challenge :) Sandra H

Nela said...

Fantastic cards and a great Blog Hop!
Hugs Nela

Yvette said...

Beautiful cards and a great Blog Hop!

Yvette said...

Beautiful cards and a great Blog Hop!

Keep It Sweet and Simple said...

Wow! What a fab blog hop. Really loved seeing all the stunning creations from the DT - awesome work!
Thanks for all your hard work putting it together and giving us the chance to win such amazing candy.
Caroline xxx

Lorraine said...

wow wow wow what a fabtastic hop great samples,inspiration,challenge and not forgetting those fabtastic prizes thanks ladies xx

nwilliams6 said...

What fun this hop was. I love the ideas of hidden candy, second chances, and plenty of inspiration. I wasn't going to make any more Valentine's cards, but the bug bit me! Thanks for all the awesome planning you all put into this one!!!

Sandra H said...

Oh l have just entered my 3rd Card so love these house mouse images and its a great challenge:) Sandra H

Lena95469 said...

Thank you ladies for all the sweet comments on my card. I had so much fun looking at all the DT's cards and now im going through the entries. So much INKspiration!!!!

Krafty Kows said...

Another great blog hop. The DT cards are so inspiring yet again. Thanks Jeanette

Anonymous said...

Hello All - Beautiful cards and sample from the DT and what a fun hop. I;ve been to everyone and left some love but Inlinkz is giving me a 505 Internal Server error and won't add my card to the list here it is until I can get the link to accept it.


Anonymous said...

Yay, My Linky is now playing fair! I'm number 72.


Kym's Crafty Cards said...

What a wonderful array of beautiful creations on the Blog Hop. The Design Team have done you proud. Best wishes, Kym xxx

Bee and Dee said...

Have had fun in the blog hop. Hugs Dee

Maulwürfchen said...

Hi again, I linked up my HM card today.
Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

love the hop entering my creation right now.

deb said...

What a great blog hop. Thanks for all the inspiration. My browser would not allow me to open Kate Wiles blog. The link to Tracy Thompsons blog said that it did not exist.

Ullis said...

Back here again after hopping the blogs. The link to Tracy Thompsons blog says that the blog doesn´t exist?? Otherwise I´ve visited everyone and now I´m full of new inspiration! Thank´s to all of you girls!

Penny Ward said...

My first blog hop at HM & F...Lots of great fun and inspiration. Thanks!

Erin- said...

What a delightful hop! With that much eye candy who needs Valentines?! (Just kidding--still want the chocolate, LOL)

Earth Dragon Creations said...

Wow! This is my first time at blog hopping. I've been wanting to start my own blog (I've done several websites over the years, but not blogs), and this was a good way to get started. There are 3 photos of my card as it is a tri-fold. Enjoy! Love the blog hop. Had great fun and enjoyed seeing new designs and ideas. Thanks for the fun!

Sparkly Engineer said...

Love this challenge. Valentine cards are one of my favorite cards to make especially with our mice. Thanks for all the inspiration and challenges

Jaylon Neot said...

In every cards you put on image is really fabulous. I think images play important part in articles and blogs. That’s what making this post more attractive and interesting.

no slip tape